Some people do not believe in young love – the kind of love that you know when you are only 16. That’s the kind of love that Brianna and Josiah have. They met through mutual friends when they were only 16 years old and knew right then and there. How do I know that it was love, then?
Well, Brianna shared with me that starting on their first dating anniversary, Josiah would write her a letter, and with each year passing on their anniversary, he would write her one. Each letter started with a different word, and each word was very important to the bigger picture. An example of this is that the first letter said “Will”, the second that he gave her the next year said “You,” and so on. On the day that he proposed, he gave her a copy of each letter that he had written, and he highlighted the first word of each letter.
That is how I know they loved each other from the start; he had planned this all along and knew that he was going to marry this girl from the first letter. She had no clue, not putting it together before that moment. On the sandy beach, with the ocean behind them, Brianna realized what kind of man she was truly saying yes to.
Fast forward to September 2021, when they finally got to say their vows to each other and say “I do” to forever. Brianna and Josiah got married on a beautiful day in September. The weather was perfect. A little cloudy, with peaks of sun shining down.; warm with a gentle breeze.
The morning of, they both got to have time alone with their bridal party, have a dance party, eat some good food, and have those last minutes of bonding with their family and friends before all the festivities started. Getting into the dress and tying the bow ties Then it was finally time to get married!!

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